Sunday, January 3, 2010

Growth On Ovary Can Polycystic Ovaries Develop Into Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

Can Polycystic Ovaries develop into Polycystic Ovary Syndrome? - growth on ovary

OCP is the only ovarian cysts without symptoms.
PCOS is the symtpoms that accompany them, such as weight gain, acne, hair growth in unwanted places, etc.

He asked if it is developed in the polycystic ovary syndrome?



hotbeaglemama (menopause) said...

The ovaries Polcystic means that you have many cysts in the ovaries.
PCOS is something to develop what is not born with it.
The best thing to do would be to see an endocrinologist and a group of hormones, including testosterone.
If you have, you can get everything, little or no symptoms.

CC said...

They can be used to SOP. But fear not, because you can not mean that they are. Talk with your doc and see if she thinks you are in danger. I think she can check the levels of hormones to see if she is in danger. Even if you are with PCOS is treatable. Make sure you stay healthy, such as regular exercise and a healthy diet. These 2 things helps to regulate your hormone levels and help you, not PCOS.

Kristin said...

all the same. regardless of symptoms or no poly-cystic ovary syndrome. Some people have all the symptoms .. only 1 or 2 .. Do not get symptoms, and some people, symptoms .. Some have the same symptoms that we see and not go.chance if the symptoms are not likely to get. esp. If you are taking medication to keep things under control.

Squid said...

2 sister MI only once, and now is a rough

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