Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Alprazolam Xanax Lethal Dose What Are The Side Effects Of Alprazolam Or Xanax With Alcohol?

What are the side effects of Alprazolam or Xanax with alcohol? - alprazolam xanax lethal dose

Recently I was prescribed alprazolam, or Xanax and that I am at a party and is still in the alprazolam drink, what should I be worried? A friend told me that annoy people, when mixed? is that true?


PD said...

Alcohol increases or exaggerate the effects of Xanax. It is never a good idea to mix the two.

kaina said...

They are completely black out.

philhoon... said...

Could it be diabetes.
That sounds like the amount of sugar in the blood.
But that's the worst it could be.
Go to doctors and blood tests and give you the answer.

majicmai... said...

Sounds like blood sugar. Choose the level of control of blood sugar.

Violet Pearl said...


tim g said...

Check your blood sugar.

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