Monday, December 7, 2009

Time After Removal Of Polyp In The Urine Bladder Uterine Polyp Removal And Then A Successful Pregnancy After 5 Miscarriages? Anyone Have Any Ideas?

Uterine Polyp removal and then a successful pregnancy after 5 miscarriages? Anyone have any ideas? - time after removal of polyp in the urine bladder

Hello everyone, thank you for your time. A little backround on me. I am 28 and almost 26 DH. We have had 5 miscarriages since June 2006. After the second m / c I had a little blood return to normal operation. After my third m / c had some more blood work and a laparoscopy Look Endo. Everything came back normal. I had 2 miscarriages this year and now I see a reproductive endocrynologist.I had done other blood tests for other possible causes, and everything was normal. Saline had an ultrasound last week and my RE discovered a large polyp in my uterus and possibly some smaller ones. So, here is my question: I am in the abduction is in about 2 weeks and I wonder if anyone in my situation or know someone who has, and if you or the person who has come to end lead to a pregnancy after disposal. Necessity, my hope to improve here, all information would be useful. Thank you for your time! I really appreciate it!


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