Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wedding Program Timeline Wording Is This Ok For A Wedding Reception Program?

Is this ok for a wedding reception program? - wedding program timeline wording

This is our timetable for the receipt, do you think we move in time or something lolll must change everything around ...

Receiving program

6.15-6.45 guests arrive (Mezza and tables)

6.45-7.00 MC intro and before the injection Wedding Slide Show

7.00-7.30 Introduction and Dance

Input 7.30-8.00

7:50-8:00 "Then and Now" Slide Show

8.00-8.45 Dinner and Photos

8.45-9.15 Speech

Cut the cake 9.15-9.30

First Dance 9.30-9.40

9:40-10:00 Belly Dancer (by the cake)

10.00-11.30 Dance (30 tracks)

11.30-11.45 bouquet and the start of the league

Saying Goodbye 11.45-12.15



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